Feice™ Explosion-proof high efficiency and energy saving LED lamp FCD(F, T, P)96 series
- Banyak digunakan dalam penerangan lingkungan umum dan penerangan kerja untuk lingkungan berbahaya seperti eksploitasi minyak, penyulingan minyak, industri kimia dan industri militer, serta platform minyak lepas pantai dan kapal tanker minyak;
- Digunakan pada penerangan proyek renovasi hemat energi dan tempat-tempat di mana pemeliharaan dan penggantian sulit;
- Digunakan pada Zona 1 dan Zona 2 lingkungan gas eksplosif;
- Digunakan pada lingkungan gas eksplosif IIA, IIB, IIC;
- Digunakan pada area 21 dan 22 dari lingkungan debu yang mudah terbakar;
- Digunakan pada tempat-tempat dengan kebutuhan perlindungan dan memiliki kelembaban yang tinggi;
- Cocok untuk lingkungan dengan suhu di antara -50°c hingga +50°c.
Implikasi Model
- Shell terbuat dari die-casting paduan aluminium cor berkualitas tinggi, yang memiliki karakteristik permukaan halus, struktur internal halus, struktur ringan, ketahanan benturan yang kuat, dll. Permukaan cangkang disemprotkan secara elektrostatik setelah kecepatan tinggi tembakan peledakan, dan penampilannya indah.
- Cangkang rongga sumber cahaya lampu mengadopsi struktur radiator terintegrasi yang ditempa dingin, dan konduktivitas termalnya sekitar 209WM.K. Silinder pembuangan panas ganda yang merupakan badan utama radiator disusun dalam matriks bidang, yang dapat mencapai ventilasi 360 derajat dan konduksi panas ke segala arah, sehingga kinerja pembuangan panas sangat meningkat, sehingga lampu LED tahan ledakan dapat bekerja secara stabil untuk waktu yang lama pada suhu kamar, sehingga secara efektif mengurangi pembusukan cahaya manik-manik lampu LED saat digunakan, dan memastikan kualitas lampu.
- Struktur multi-rongga yang dipatenkan, tiga rongga rongga catu daya, rongga sumber cahaya dan rongga kabel independen.
- Garis masuk lampu mengadopsi teknologi koneksi nirkabel yang dipatenkan dengan hak kekayaan intelektual independen, yang membuat pemasangan, penggunaan, dan pemeliharaan lampu lebih nyaman dan lebih aman.
- Papan sumber cahaya terintegrasi dengan beberapa chip sumber cahaya LED. Merek dapat memilih Osram atau Kerui, cahaya satu arah, cahaya seragam dan lembut, efisiensi cahaya 1201m/w, rendering warna tinggi, umur panjang, dan perlindungan lingkungan.
- Perangkat penggerak LED dapat memilih merek MEAN WELL atau MOSO, input tegangan lebar, dengan arus konstan, perlindungan sirkuit terbuka, perlindungan hubung singkat, dan fungsi lainnya.
- Lensa memiliki efisiensi bercahaya tinggi, desain anti-silau yang dikabutkan, dan sudut pemancar cahaya yang besar.
- Penutup transparan kaca yang dikeraskan dengan kekuatan tinggi, dapat menahan dampak energi 4J, menahan fusi termal, dan mentransmisikan cahaya hingga 90%.
- Dapat dilengkapi dengan perangkat kontrol darurat, ketika catu daya terputus, maka secara otomatis akan beralih ke keadaan pencahayaan darurat.
- Teknologi penyegelan canggih untuk memastikan operasi jangka panjang di lingkungan yang lembab dengan kebutuhan perlindungan yang tinggi.
- Faktor daya tinggi cos≥0,95.
- Pengencang stainless steel dengan ketahanan korosi yang tinggi.
- Dapat menggunakan pipa baja dan kabel.
Parameter Teknikal Utama
Catatan Pemesanan
1. Pilih satu per satu sesuai aturan dalam Implikasi, dan tambahkan ex-mark series produk. Hal tersebut akan menjadi seperti: “kode model spesifikasi produk + ex-proof mark + jumlah pesanan”. Misalnya, lampu LED tahan ledakan 60W, cangkang yang diregangkan, sumber cahaya, dan konfigurasi catu daya adalah A, pemasangan tipe boom dengan kotak sambungan, jumlahnya 20 set, maka model produknya adalah: BAD63-A60ALGH+Ex d C T6 Gb +20.
2. Silakan lihat “Aksesori Pemasangan Tabel 1 / Tabel 4” untuk aksesori yang diperlukan untuk bentuk pemasangan lampu yang dipilih; (lihat P435~h436)
3. Jika ada permintaan khusus, sebutkan secara detail saat memesan.
Support Product :
Explosion Proof Lighting Explosion Proof Emergency Lamp Ex Proof LED Floodlight Panel Box Explosion Proof Distributor untuk Jakarta Indonesia Jual Lampu Explosion Proof Lampu LED Explosion Proof Lampu Jalan LED Explosion Proof Street Lamp LED Ex Proof Lampu Jalan Explosion Proof Street Light Explosion Proof Lampu Sorot LED Explosion Proof
Lampu Sorot Explosion Proof Floodlight LED Explosion Proof Floodlight Explosion Proof HPS Metal Hilide Killark Floodlight 400W Ex Proof Lampu High Bay LED Ex Proof Lampu Pendant Explosion Proof Lampu Gantung Ex Proof Lampu Pendant LED Explosion Proof Lampu Pendant HPS 150W 250W Explosion Proof Lampu Pendant Metal Hilide 150W 250W Explosion Proof Lampu TL Explosion Proof Lampu TL 2x18w 1x18w 2x36w 1x36w Ex Proof Lampu TL LED Explosion Proof Lampu TL LED Emergency Explosion Proof Lampu Flourescent LED Ex Proof Lampu Emergency Flourescent LED Explosion Proof Lampu Flourescent Explosion Proof Handlamp Explosion Proof Working Lamp Explosion Proof Portable lamp Explosion Proof
Portable Searching lamp Explosion Proof Head Lamp Explosion Proof Lampu Senter Explosion Proof Lampu Vessel Tank LED Explosion Proof Lampu Strobe Explosion Proof Rotary Lamp Explosion Proof Exit Lamp LED Explosion Proof Emergency Lamp LED Explosion Proof
Caution Light Exit Lamp Emergency Lamp Explosion Proof Connector Explosion Proof Reducer Explosion Proof Reducer Explosion Proof Adaptor Explosion Proof Union Explosion Proof Bushing Explosion Proof Drain Breather Explosion Proof Push Button Explosion Proof Cable Gland Stainless Steel Metric Explosion Proof Cable Gland Stainless Steel NPT Explosion Proof Cable Gland Armored Metric Explosion Proof Cable Gland Armoured Non armored NPT Explosion Proof Junction Box Stainless Steel SS316 Explosion Proof Junction Box GRP Explosion Proof Junction Box Explosion Proof GRP Material Junction Box Explosion Proof Alluminium Alloy Copper Free Junction Box Alluminium Alloy Explosion Proof Junction Box Exd Exe Explosion Proof BXT Warom Junction Box 4 Way 4 Entries Explosion Proof Junction Box 3 Way 3 Entries Explosion Proof Terminal Box Exd Exe Explosion Proof Terminal Box Explosion Proof Tdooz 4 Way 4 Entries Explosion Proof Tdooz 3 Way 3 Entries Explosion Proof Switch On Off Explosion Proof Saklar On Off Explosion Proof Plug Socket Explosion Proof Receptacle Explosion Proof Stop Kontak Explosion Proof Plug Socket GRP Alluminium Explosion Proof Receptacle GRP Alluminium Explosion Proof Pilot Lamp Explosion Proof Indicator Lamp Explosion Proof Push Button Explosion Proof Emergency Push Button Explosion Proof Local Control Station Explosion Proof Local Control Station GRP Explosion Proof Panel Motor Explosion Proof Panel Motor Star Delta Exploison Proof Panel Start Motor Ex Proof Panel Start Motor DOL Explosion Proof Distribution Box Explosion Proof Panel Distribusi Explosion Proof Pedestal Fan Explosion Proof Exhaust Fan Explosion Proof Blower Fan Explosion Proof Ceiling Fan Explosion Proof Air Conditioner Explosion Proof AC Explosion Proof Lampu Jalan LED. Plugs and Sockets Explosion Proof, Explosion proof lampu TL 2x36Watt, Explosionproof, lampu TL 2x36Watt, Supermec, Cosime, CZ, EEW, Warom, Explosion proof lampu TL 2×36 Supermec, Cosime, CZ, Warom, EEW, Explosion proof lampu TL 2x36Watt Polycarbonate, ExplosionProof lampu TL 2x36Watt Polycarbonate Supermec, Cosime, CZ, HRLM, Warom, Explosion proof lampu TL 2x36Watt IP 65 Supermec, CZ, Warom, HRLM, EEW, Explosion proof lampu TL 2x36Watt Glass IP 66 Supermec, Cosime, CZ, Warom, HRLM, EEW, Explosion Proof Fluorescen Light LED / TL Supermec, Cosime, CZ, HRLM EEW, Explosion Proof Emergency Fluorescen Light LED / TL, Explosion Proof Fluorescen Light LED / TL EVF – EVFE – BPY – BYS, Explosion proof Lighting Jakarta , Explosion proof Lighting Tangerang, Explosion proof Lighting Cikarang, Explosion proof Lighting Surabaya, Explosion proof Lighting Medan, Explosion proof Lighting Prabumulih, Explosion proof Lighting Sumatera, Explosion proof Lighting Kalimantan, Explosion proof Lighting Balikpapan, Explosion proof Lighting Batam, Explosion proof Lighting Cilacap, Explosion proof Lighting Cirebon, Explosion Proof Electro Motor ( Euromotori ), Explosion Proof Electro Motor B3 Footmounted B5 Flange Mounted ( Euromotori ), Explosion Proof Electro Motor ATEX ( Euromotori ), Explosion Proof Electro Motor 2P/4P/6P ( Euromotori ), Explosion Proof Electro Motor 50/60Hz ATEX ( Euromotori ), Explosion proof Lighting Jakarta , Explosion proof Electromotor Tangerang, Explosion proof Electromotor Cikarang, Explosion proof Electromotor Surabaya, Explosion proof Electromotor Medan, Explosion proof Electromotor Prabumulih, Explosion proof Electromotor Sumatera, Explosion proof Electromotor Kalimantan, Explosion proof Electromotor Balikpapan, Explosion proof Electromotor Batam, Explosion proof Electromotor Cilacap, Explosion proof Electromotor Cirebon,Explosion Proof Box Panel ( Junction Box ) Supermec , Explosion Proof Box Panel ( Junction Box ) EJB series Supermec, Explosion Proof Box Panel ( Junction Box ) Alumunium EJB Supermec, Explosion Proof Box Panel ( Junction Box ) Stainless steel Ex d Supermec, Explosion Proof Box Panel ( Junction Box ) Stainless steel Ex e Supermec, Explosion Proof Distribusi Panel / Junction Box ( Supermec, CZ, Cosime, HRLM EEW ) , Explosion Proof Plug Socket ( Supermec, Cosime, CZ, HRLM ) , Explosion Proof Plug Socket Alumunium – GRP ( Supermec, Cosime, CZ, HRLM ), Explosion Proof Fluorescen Light LED / TL 1x18W 2x18W 1x36W 2x36W , Explosion Proof Flood Light LED 80W 100W 120W 150W 180W 200W , Explosion Proof Signalling , Explosion Proof Telephone , Explosionproof Fan / Blower / Bug Blower , Explosion Proof Crane , Explosion Proof Mixer , Explosion Proof Gorunding System , Explosion Proof Jam Dinding, Explosion Proof Spray Booth System , BAY51 – Fluorescent Explosion Proof, BYS51 – Fluorescent Explosion Proof, HLBT03 Series – Floodlight Explosion Proof, HLBD05 – LED Highbys Explosion Proof, BAT52 – Explosion Proof Light Fitting, HLBT55 – LED Spot Explosion Proof, BAD82 – Exlosion Proof Lightings, BBJ – Warning Explosion Proof Lamp, BZC53 – Control Station Explosion Proof, HL0106 – Indicator Lamp Explosion Proof, HLDP03 – Explosion Proof Electrical Apparatus, BZM10 – Switch Explosion Proof, HL0105 – Explosion Proof Button, AH Series – Junction Box Explosion Proof, HLBH03 – Junction Boxes Expplosion Proof, HLBH31 – Terminal Box Explosion Proof, HLBH02 – Terminal Boxes Explosion Proof, HLBSP01 – Plug & Socket Explosion Proof, BCZ8060 – Receptacle Explosion Proof, BMG – Seal Fitting Explosion Proof, BNG – Conduit Explosion Proof, BK Series – Air Conditioners Explosion Proof, BFS – Blower Explosion Proof (Exhaust Fan), BFS-F – Exhaust Fan Explosion Proof, HLE03 Explosion Proof Empty Enclosures , smartphone industrial , handphone industrial , aoro tablet , aoro p9000 pro dmr rtk , industri
Humidifier Explosion Proof – Explosion Proof Humidifier
Dehumidifier Explosion Proof – Explosion Proof Dehumidifier
Double Nepple Explosion Proof Connector
Connector Explosion Proof, Reducer Explosion Proof 3/4 inchi to 1 inchi
Connector Explosion Proof, Reducer Explosion Proof
Reducer Explosion Proof Brass Nickle Plated
Drain Breather Explosion Proof
Cable Gland Stainless Steel NPT 1 inchi 2 inchi Explosion Proof
Air purging system Panel Explosion Proof
Panel Air Purging System Explosion Proof Warom
Horn Explosion Proof Buzzer Explosion Proof
Push Button Explosion Proof No Nc
Emergency Push Button Explosion Proof Emergency Stop Explosion Proof
Sales Covered Area :
Aceh – Medan – Dumai – Riau – Bengkulu – Padang – Pekanbaru – Jambi – Palembang – Plaju – Prabumulih – Lampung – Cikarang – Bekasi – Cibubur – Cileungsi – Depok – Bogor – Sukabumi – Jakarta – Glodok – Kenari – Tangerang – Cikande – Serang – Cilegon – Bandung – Karawang – Subang – Purwakarta – Subang – Cirebon – Cilacap – Semarang – Surabaya – Cepu – Gresik – Banjarmasin – Balikpapan – Samarinda – Pontianak – Sangatta – Makasar – Manado – Bitung – Sumbawa – Maluku – Papua.
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