SERAPHIM Panel Surya 320WP Solar Cell
Seraphim Monocrystalline Solar Panel 320wp
Garansi 10 tahun
Tersertifikasi ISO, CE, TUV
Peak Power (Pmax) : 320W
Max Power Voltage (Vmp) : 37.2V
Max Power Current (Imp) : 8.61A
Open-Circuit Voltage(Voc) : 43.2V
Short-Circuit Current (Isc) : 9.29A
Power Tolerance : +-3%
Max System Voltage : 1000V
Operating Temperature : -4’C to +85’C
Dimension(mm) : 1940 x 990 x 40 mm
Connector: MC4 Plug Type
Harga belum termasuk biaya pengemasan dengan pallet/packing kayu.
Seraphim Panel Surya / Solar Panel adalah salah satu produsen panel surya ternama dengan spesifikasi mumpuni, dengan keunggulan mampu menangkap energi dari sinar matahari yang redup sekalipun. Didukung teknologi terkini, menjadikan panel kami tahan kabut berkonsentrasi garam, amonia dan berbagai kondisi cuaca ekstrem. Dengan inspeksi 3x lebih ketat, meminimalisir panel yang cacat/perbedaan penurunan kualitas. Seraphim didukung dengan teknologi Anti-PID, lulus uji ketahanan untuk sistem voltase
Bersertifikat TÜV SÜD , lolos uji ketahanan beban angin hingga 2400Pa, dan ketahanan terhadap beban salju hingga 5400Pa
Produk kami bergaransi 25 tahun ( harap diajukan asuransi terlebih dahulu)
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$0.00◆ Explosion Protection to
◆ Can be used in
Zone 1,2,21,22
Class I,Zone 1,2
Division 1,Groups A, B, C, D
◆ Safe and reliable: the product with reliable explosion-proof performance, can safely and reliably work in various combustible areas, the battery is equipped with PTC thermistor and temperature fuse; double-protected circuit, safety performance
◆ Efficient and energy-saving: memory-free battery, with long service
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◆ Waterproof and damage-proof: the enclosure is made of imported alloy with high strength, excellent strong impact resistant performance, unique sealing type, with very good water-proof performance.
◆ Anti-strong interference: scientific module driving circuit, strong performance of anti-shock and anti-electromagnetic interference.
◆ Heat resistant: LED radiator and battery are effectively isolated, which improves the stability of the light.
◆ Intelligent control: pulse dimming technology, strong light and working light can be changed at random, with battery detection
indicator, which can detect the working condition at any time, intelligent charger is with protection circuit.
◆ Portable and flexible: small volume, light weigh, several types of handling like portable and on shoulder, meet different working